How to repair wicker laundry basket?
How to repair wicker laundry basket? Repairing a wicker laundry basket is a straightforward process that you can do yourself with some basic materials and tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you repair a damaged wicker laundry basket:
Materials and Tools You'll Need:

  1. Wicker Repair Material: You can find pre-made wicker repair kits or rattan reed at craft stores or online. The material should match the color and thickness of your basket's wicker.

  2. Scissors or Clippers: To cut and trim the wicker repair material.

  3. Bucket of Water: For soaking the wicker repair material.

  4. Dish Soap: To clean the wicker before repairing it.

  5. Sponge or Cloth: For cleaning the wicker.

  6. Needle-Nose Pliers: To remove any loose or damaged wicker strands.

  7. Small Clamps: To hold the repaired sections in place while they dry.

Repair Steps:

  1. Clean the Basket:
    • Start by cleaning the entire basket with warm, soapy water and a sponge or cloth. This will remove dirt and grime, making it easier for the new wicker to adhere.

  2. Remove Loose or Damaged Wicker:
    • Use needle-nose pliers to gently remove any loose or damaged wicker strands. Be careful not to damage surrounding wicker.

  3. Soak the Repair Material:
    • If you're using rattan reed, soak it in a bucket of warm water for about 30 minutes to make it more pliable. If you're using a pre-made repair kit, follow the manufacturer's instructions for soaking.

  4. Weave in the New Material:
    • Start weaving in the new wicker repair material to replace the damaged sections. You can follow the original pattern or create a new one if needed.
    • For larger holes or breaks, you may need to weave several strands together to create a sturdy repair.
    • Be sure to secure the ends of the new wicker by tucking them under neighboring strands.

  5. Tighten and Secure:
    • Use your fingers or needle-nose pliers to tighten the new wicker strands as you go. Make sure they are snug against the existing wicker.

  6. Let It Dry:
    • Once the repair is complete, use small clamps to hold the repaired sections in place while they dry. Allow the repair to dry for at least 24 hours to ensure it's secure.

  7. Trim Excess Material:
    • After the repair is fully dry, use scissors or clippers to trim any excess wicker material so that it blends in with the rest of the basket.

  8. Optional: Seal or Paint:
    • Depending on the look you want, you can seal the repaired area with a clear varnish or paint the entire basket to give it a fresh look.

Repairing wicker can take some time and patience, but with the right materials and techniques, you can extend the life of your wicker laundry basket and keep it looking great.
Can you spray paint wicker furniture?
Can you spray paint wicker furniture? Yes, you can spray paint wicker furniture to give it a fresh look or update its appearance. Here are the steps to follow when spray painting wicker furniture:
Materials You'll Need:
  1. Wicker furniture
  2. Spray paint (choose a paint specifically designed for outdoor use if the furniture will be exposed to the elements)
  3. Primer (if needed)
  4. Sandpaper (medium grit)
  5. Painter's tape or plastic sheeting (to mask off areas you don't want to paint)
  6. Drop cloths or newspaper (to protect the surrounding area)
  7. Respirator mask and safety goggles (for personal protection)


  1. Prepare the Area: Start by setting up a well-ventilated workspace, preferably outdoors, and cover the ground with drop cloths or newspaper to protect it from overspray.

  2. Clean the Furniture: Wicker can collect dust, dirt, and grime over time. Clean the furniture thoroughly with a mixture of mild soap and water, then rinse it and allow it to dry completely. This step is crucial to ensure proper paint adhesion.

  3. Sand the Wicker: Use medium-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the entire surface of the wicker furniture. This will help the paint adhere better. Wipe away any dust with a clean, damp cloth.

  4. Apply Primer (If Necessary): If your wicker furniture has a dark or uneven color, or if you're changing from a dark color to a lighter one, it's a good idea to apply a primer first. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the primer and allow it to dry completely.

  5. Mask Off Areas: Use painter's tape or plastic sheeting to mask off any areas of the furniture that you do not want to paint, such as metal hardware or glass tabletops.

  6. Spray Paint: Shake the spray paint can thoroughly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Hold the can about 8-12 inches away from the wicker and spray in a steady, even motion, overlapping each pass slightly. Start with a light coat to avoid drips, and then apply additional coats as needed to achieve the desired coverage. Allow each coat to dry before applying the next.

  7. Dry and Cure: Allow the paint to dry completely. This may take several hours to overnight, depending on the paint and environmental conditions. After it's dry, let the furniture cure for a few days to ensure the paint is fully set.

  8. Finish and Seal (Optional): If you want added protection and a glossy finish, you can apply a clear outdoor sealer or varnish according to the product instructions. This step will help protect the paint from the elements.

  9. Reassemble: Once the furniture is fully dry and cured, remove any masking materials, reassemble any parts that were taken apart, and your newly painted wicker furniture is ready to use.

Remember to follow safety precautions, such as wearing a respirator mask and safety goggles, when working with spray paint to protect yourself from fumes and overspray.
Best spray paint for wicker
The best spray paint for wicker furniture depends on your specific needs and preferences, but there are a few factors to consider when choosing the right paint:

  1. Outdoor Use: If your wicker furniture will be used outdoors, it's essential to select a spray paint specifically designed for outdoor applications. Outdoor spray paints are formulated to withstand exposure to sunlight, moisture, and temperature fluctuations, helping to prevent fading and peeling.

  2. Material Compatibility: Look for spray paint that is suitable for use on wicker or similar materials. Some spray paints are designed for a wide range of surfaces, while others are more specialized.

  3. Color and Finish: Choose a paint color and finish (e.g., matte, satin, glossy) that matches your desired look and the style of your furniture. Keep in mind that darker colors may require more coats for complete coverage.

  4. Durability: Consider the level of durability you need. If your wicker furniture will be subjected to heavy use or harsh weather conditions, you might want to opt for a paint that offers extra durability and resistance to chipping and peeling.

  5. Brand and Reviews: Brands like Rust-Oleum, Krylon, and Valspar are known for producing quality spray paints. Read product reviews and ratings to get a sense of the paint's performance from other users.

  6. Primer: Depending on the condition and color of your wicker furniture, you may need a primer to ensure proper adhesion of the paint. Some spray paints come with built-in primers, while others require a separate primer coat.

  7. Environmental Considerations: If you're concerned about the environment, you can also look for low-VOC (volatile organic compound) or eco-friendly spray paint options.

Remember that surface preparation, including cleaning and, if necessary, sanding and priming, plays a significant role in the success of your spray painting project. Properly preparing the wicker surface will help the paint adhere better and result in a smoother finish.
Ultimately, the best spray paint for your wicker furniture will depend on your specific project requirements, so be sure to read the product labels and select a paint that suits your needs and preferences.